Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
7. Postpartum Hormone Crash and Preparing the Second Time – Alaina Goss
Despite feeling a wave of exhaustion when she got home from the hospital, Alaina was unable to sleep. Once she got over the initial hormone crash, she started splitting nights with her husband to care for their baby, who didn’t sleep more than a few minutes if he wasn’t held. She used a lactation consultant to help with the unexpected challenges of breastfeeding, until it became easier a few months in. The physical recovery of (an uncomplicated vaginal) birth surprised her.
She talks about sleep being better with her second and all of the changes she made for that to happen, including hiring a postpartum doula. She shares what was similar and different that second time around.
Resources she mentioned:
No drama discipline by Daniel J. Siegel
No Bad Kids: Toddler Discipline Without Shame by Janet Lansbury:
Unruffled by Janet Lansbury
The Birth Hour
Evidence Based Birth
Her instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/alainas/
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