Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
Holding space for parents to share their postpartum journeys.
Podcasting since 2021 • 14 episodes
Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
Latest Episodes
14. Redeemed: A Difficult Recovery From a Third Degree Tear, Lip and Tongue Ties, PPA, PTSD, and Then Navigating Postpartum a Second Time – Rachel Campbell
Rachel had her first baby via a forceps delivery. A few days later, the resulting third degree tear became infected. After months of unsuccessful treatment, she finally had surgery, and was medically cleared at 6 months postpartum.&...

13. It Takes a Village: Postpartum Experiences With and Without Extended Family – Brianna Volk
Brianna’s first baby had jaundice, and she describes her challenges feeding in the hospital while having to keep him under the lights. She and her husband were living with her parents after her first birth, and she describes her postpartu...

12. Recovery After Bedrest and Healing From Postpartum Anxiety – Parvati Mani
Parvati was diagnosed with placenta previa 20 weeks into her pregnancy. She was put on bedrest at 26 weeks, and then had a C-section at 36 weeks. She describes how her physical recovery was affected by her weeks of bedrest. Sh...

11. A Postpartum Journey With Her Miracle Baby: Li-Fraumeni Syndrome, Turner Syndrome, and Adrenocortical Carcinoma – Lauren Hiddleson
Lauren found out that she had LFS just days before finding out that she was pregnant with her daughter Josie. After a planned home birth turned hospital induction due to IUGR, she describes her early weeks postpartum, including latch issu...

10. Surgical Repair Immediately Postpartum, IGT, and a Very Different Experience With Her Second Baby - Elizabeth Shinko
After a non-medicated birth, Elizabeth had to go to the OR and have a spinal placed to have her “3.75” degree tear repaired. She dealt with low supply, likely due to IGT, and describes her journey of triple feeding and power pumping and t...