Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
Fourth Trimester Postpartum Stories
14. Redeemed: A Difficult Recovery From a Third Degree Tear, Lip and Tongue Ties, PPA, PTSD, and Then Navigating Postpartum a Second Time – Rachel Campbell
Rachel had her first baby via a forceps delivery. A few days later, the resulting third degree tear became infected. After months of unsuccessful treatment, she finally had surgery, and was medically cleared at 6 months postpartum. That experience left her with postpartum anxiety and PTSD. She discusses how both talk therapy and EMDR helped her process and heal.
She talks about breastfeeding a baby with severe lip and tongue ties, as well as how her oversupply affected her.
Her second postpartum came with a lot of the same issues with ties and oversupply, but she was ready to deal with them, and was proactive about pelvic floor therapy. This time, she was diagnosed with postpartum depression at 5 months, and she discusses the treatment she chose.
Resources she mentioned:
Elvie Curve: https://www.elvie.com
Dairy Ladder: https://dilanandme.com/milk-ladder-guide/
Rachel’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/doula.rachel.clt
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